Shah Nanji Nagsi Exports

Black Matpe Bean

Frequently asked questions

Which commodities do you import?

Our list of commodities can be found on the imports page.

Which ports do you import for?

We import for Nhava Sheva/JNPT port.

Do you import in breakbulk or in containers?

Both – in bulk and in containers.

Who are your customers in India?

Our customers are usually small, medium and large traders all over India. At a time, they typically buy from a few metric tons up to a truck load. Their end customers could be retailers, street vendors and restaurants all over India.

Since when have you been importing agricultural commodities?

We started importing in 1992 after the Indian economy lifted restrictions on imports and exports. Our first import was probably a consignment of green peas from the US in 1992.

Have you ever defaulted or delayed payments?

No, we have never defaulted or delayed payment. Our contractual commitments are of the utmost importance to us.

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